D-Visor + D-System Monitor

D-Visor and D-System Monitor, developed by the DEOS project, are released in this page.

D-Visor provides D-System Monitor with functions to monitor I/O requests and memory contents, in addition to ordinary functions of a virtual machine monitor. The following two types of D-Visor were implemented.

  • D-Visor86: D-Visor for x86 multi core CPU
  • QEMU-KVM: D-System Monitor incorporated in the QEMU-KVM

D-System Monitor watches guest OSs from outside and detects abnormal behavior. It uses functions provided by D-Visor to monitor I/O requests and memory contents. The following three monitoring mechanisms were implemented.

  • FoxyKBD: mechanism to detect key loggers
  • RootkitLibra: mechanism to detect rootkits which tamper with file meta data
  • Waseda LMS: mechanism to detect inconsistency of kernel data

D-Visor86 + D-System Monitor

D-Visor86 runs directly on hardware. D-System Monitor runs on an OS on one VM and monitors the user OS (target OS) on another VM.

System requirement

  • Hardware: BX-100n-DC5000-C0 made by CONTEC Co., Ltd.
  • Software: Ubuntu 10.04


QEMU-KVM + D-System Monitor

QEMU-KVM runs on a host OS and D-System Monitor incorporated in the QEMU-KVM monitors a guest OS (target OS) on the VM.

System requirement

  • Hardware: PC with x86_64 CPU that supports Intel VT (As of now, AMD-V cannot be used.)
  • Software: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64



Software in this page is released under GPL v2. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT and COPYING file in the tar.gz file for more details.


D-Visor86 was researched by University of Tsukuba participating in the JST CREST "Dependable Embedded Operating System Aiming at Practical Applications" (DEOS) project.
D-System Monitor was researched by University of Tsukuba, Waseda University, and Keio University participating in the JST CREST "Dependable Embedded Operating System Aiming at Practical Applications" (DEOS) project.

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