Key Features
DS-Bench/D-Cloud is a framework for dependability benchmarking, whose key features are as follows:
- It supports multiple benchmark programs to cover wide range of target systems.
- It can simulate many anomalies such as node failure, device failure, and performance degradation.
- The benchmark test can be conducted on physical machines, virtual machines, or mixture of both.
Screen shot
Environment in which operation is verified
Ubuntu 10.04/12.04 LTS amd64
The following systems cannot be operated at the same time on a single PC. They need to be installed in separate PCs.
- DS-Bench Controller
- DS-Bench Target
- D-Cloud
- DS-Bench/Test-Env(D-Cloud) Specification v1.00
- Interface Specification between DS-Bench and D-Case Editor for their Collaboration v1.0.0
- DS-Bench/Test-Env(D-Cloud) Execution Manual v1.00
- DS-Bench/Test-Env(D-Cloud)Setup Manual v1.00
Demonstration Movie
DS-Bench/D-Cloud Demo Movie ( 18.5MB 3min10sec )
Note: Voice narration can be heard.
Hajime Fujita, Yutaka Matsuno, Toshihiro Hanawa, Mitsuhisa Sato, Shinpei Kato, and Yutaka Ishikawa, "DS-Bench Toolset: Tools for Dependability Benchmarking with Simulation and Assurance," 42nd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable System and Networks (DSN 2012), 8 pages, Jun.2012. [Slide]
The licence of DS-Bench/D-Cloud is GPLv2. Please see the "Copyright" files in the dsbench_dcloud2.0.2.tgz file for details of the license.
DS-Bench/D-Cloud has been developed by the University of Tokyo and University of Tsukuba, as part of the JST CREST Dependable Embedded Operating System for Practical Uses (DEOS) project.